From Jan 6 2017, second chapter (Gambia's financial assets vanish) released two weeks later, while what was predicted to be the first one (foreign troops) unfolds.
Gambia: staged regime change: Egypt base script with add-ons.
Staged regime change caused by massive protests: Gambia follows the base script, same as Egypt in July 2013.
Gambia v Egypt: added chapters
1. Foreign troops.
It starts with having part of the protesters celebrating the arrival of the very same foreign troops sent to suppress their protest once it will resume.
2. Gambia's financial assets vanish.
This chapter was not required in Egypt because the illuminati correctly estimated that it would be possible for Sisi to continue to transfer national assets to their safes at the same pace as previously Morsi and Mubarak.
As a consequence of this script the theater "Morsi arrested" was replaced by "deposed president escapes to Equatorial Guinea with the money".
Apparent Paradox explained by Reductionism
Gambia is a tiny country when compared to Egypt.
But it's in Gambia that the base script for regime change requires extra chapters.
Reason: during systemic collapse, as the masses start revolting (Arab Spring set a milestone), the smaller the country is the more difficult it is to suppress protest.
Gambians celebrate as West African troops enter capital after Jammeh flees
January 23, 2017
Gambians celebrated in the streets on Sunday after a West African regional military force entered the capital city of Banjul and took control of the presidential palace, the symbolic seat of ex-ruler Yahya Jammeh's 22-year authoritarian regime.
Jammeh, who refused to accept defeat to opposition challenger Adama Barrow in a December election, flew out of Banjul late on Saturday en route to Equatorial Guinea as the regional force was poised to remove him.
Hundreds of Banjul residents assembled outside State House as darkness fell after soldiers, who deployed on Sunday to secure the country, moved in to secure the compound.
Cheering and singing, some revelers sought to capture the moment for posterity, posing for photos with the Senegalese troops.
"We are free," said food seller Isatou Toure, 35. "Everyone is so happy that man is gone. We are happy to see (the soldiers). They protected us from Jammeh."
Senegalese army officials said the force, which also includes troops from Nigeria, Ghana and Mali, met no resistance as they advanced on Sunday.
But even amid the celebrations, troubling details of Jammeh's departure began to emerge.
Speaking to radio station RFM in Senegal, where he is waiting to return to Gambia, Barrow said that, upon initial inspection, it appeared Jammeh had looted state resources.
"According to information we received, there is no money in the coffers," he said. "It's what we have been told, but the day we actually take office, we will clarify all of it."
In a news conference later in the day, Barrow advisor Mai Ahmad Fatty said 500 million dalasis ($11.45 million) had been withdrawn by Jammeh in the past two weeks.
Egypt, July 2013: 30 million protesters in the streets force the illuminati to replace Morsi with Sisi.
State terror interrupted because puppet Sisi has to temporarily play"moderate muslim" and "bystander" in the sunni genocide in Syria and Iraq.
Sisi was appointed by nazi agent Morsi, "Sisi jails Morsi" is theater used to in fact pave the way for the comeback of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Update Oct 2016: now Sisi has already moved from bystander to officially participating in the genocide in Syria.
Illuminati puppet governments: Russia; USA; EU; Iran; Ukraine; North Korea - Typology
All part of the same gang of illuminazi puppets executing orders from one and the same:
- 28 governors of EU states who are still called prime-ministers or presidents, BushClinton since 1988 including Hitlery since 2008 ("Hussein Obama" will now be stripped),
- BRICS (fake Putin, China, India, South Africa), "enemies" from Iran's Ayatollahs to Cuba and North Korea and the ISIS caliphate alias the Raqqa mini-state; fake sunnis of Turkey, Saudi and Egypt gov.
Reductionism in End Times - KEY to conspiracies. In fact nothing escapes its Laws.
The Laws of End Times Reductionism
Jan 6, 2017
Sep 30, 2016
Benghazi emails Sanders basement dwellers: Damaging Clinton leaks: for dummies
Chapter 1
Benghazi emails to Sanders basement dwellers: Damaging Clinton leaks: for dummies
Chapter 2
Two illuminati jokes about election 2016 crowds in one "leak" based line.
The audience mocked by the "leak" is larger than the "basement dwellers".
Chapter 3
Sanders' basement dwellers: What human cattle portraying itself as dissidents didn't get about Clinton's "joke"
Crowds targeted for genocide: Sanders' basement dwellers by Hitlery Clinton v Philippines drug addicts by Duterte
- parallelism
- differences: subliminal v direct, from how the message is passed to reference to Hitler.
### Introduction:
From ZERO leaks and Clinton FEARLESS because she has NO votes to lose to start with ... to two illuminati jokes about election 2016 crowds in ONE "leak" based LINE.
Last but not the least: that ONE line passes the SAME message as Duterte's ONE LINE directly calling for GENOCIDE, and yet NOBODY is able to get it.
### Chapter 1
Benghazi emails to Sanders basement dwellers: Damaging Clinton leaks: for dummies
All leaks are staged, all actors. Psy-op "Assange" was named to sound lie Ass-angel, siege and assanginated ("assassinated under siege by a government drone" is the theater's final act).
"State finds 30 deleted Clinton emails on Benghazi" out of a grand total "in the neighborhood of 33,000", as reported under these headlines:
"There’s no Hillary Clinton “email scandal.” There are four of them. Or maybe six. Or NONE".
The #BasementDwellers 'leak': "The Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton describing Bernie Sanders supporters as "children of the Great Recession" who are "living in their parents’ basement".
As for why illuminati have no problems with "leaks" causing Clinton to lose votes, the keyword is again NONE: she has no votes to lose to start with.
### Chapter 2
Two illuminati jokes about election 2016 crowds in one "leak" based line
The audience mocked by the "leak" is larger than the "basement dwellers". To get its full extent all you need is to prepend the leak with its scripted "reaction".
This gives: "Clinton's Campaign Probably Just Ended: Leaked Audio Bashing Sanders Supporters".
These headlines contain in fact two jokes about the human cattle:
1. those still participating in Clinton v Trump discussions.
They are mocked with the full sentence.
2. those who supported Sanders, the "basement dwellers".
They are mocked with the second part of the sentence: "Leaked Audio Bashing Sanders Supporters".
But for for these crowds it's more than only a joke: it's also a subliminal message. Why?
A comparison with Duterte's line, released the same day, reveals what Sanders' basement dwellers, alias the human cattle portraying itself as dissidents, didn't get about Clinton's "joke".
### Chapter 3
Sanders' basement dwellers: What human cattle portraying itself as dissidents didn't get about Clinton's "joke"
Crowds targeted for genocide: Hitlery Clinton (Sanders' basement dwellers) v Duterte (Philippines drug addicts)
Hitlery Clinton calling basement dwellers to Sanders' supporters is more than mocking this type of human cattle for having it participate in the "Clinton v Sanders head to head race".
It's a "manhunt for" type of message for human cattle portraying itself as "dissidents", in this case identified as the crowds that rallied behind Sanders.
Same type of message passed to another identified crowd, in this case in the Philippines, with president Duterte's line: "I'm happy to slaughter [three million] drug addicts like Hitler massacred Jews".
Both messages use the same two steps rollback technique; the first step's headlines were released the same day, Sep 30, 2016 (Duterte's 3 millon drug addicts; Clinton's basement dwellers).
- Hitlery's message to human cattle portraying itself as dissidents is subliminal; Duterte's message to "drug addicts" is not only direct but it also sets a IV Reich milestone for calls to "manhunt for" type of genocide.
- Clinton's reference to Hitler is again subliminal (she's Adolf Hitler's oldest daughter and Angela Merkel's half sister); Duterte's reference is not only direct but it also sets a milestone for the "resuscitate Hitler" agenda.
- the second step in the rollback technique: served as "spin" for Clinton; served as "joke" for Duterte.
Hacked audio of a conversation between Hillary Clinton and donors during a February fundraising event shows the Democrat nominee describing ...
Hillary Clinton Leak
ed Audio Calling Bernie Sanders Supporters Losers & How to Target Them for Votes
Clinton's Campaign Probably Just Ended: Leaked Audio Bashing Sanders Supporters
#BasementDwellers: The actual words and spin on Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Bernie Sanders supporters
October 1, 2016
Benghazi emails and why Clinton has nothing to lose explained here:
Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Contrast the very last thing Hitler's oldest daughter, "billionaire Trump" and "socialist Sanders" would say:
Sep 30, 2016 - Philippines Duterte: milestones to resuscitate Hitler AND legalize "manhunt for" type of genocide
Duterte milestone for genocide "just for being": a 30 multiplier within 3 months (from 100,000 to 3 million, Jun 29 to Sep 30, 2016).
Crowds in "Hitler resurrected" 2016: three milestones set by Clinton, Erdogan and Duterte
Duterte and Erdogan: parallel scripts
- Erdogan/Duterte pivot to Russia, China - theater for dummies; side notes: in detail and in general.
Rollback psy-op technique
Same as a rollback in data management, this psy-op technique returns the "database" to a previous state.
In two steps: first bombastic headlines that are shortly after mitigated, from partly to entirely "denied".
"Denied" enquoted because the second step no longer makes headlines and is served as "not sincere" or a "staged denial".
For "mind control" start here:

From Dec 2015, extended with new episodes of the Clinton's "crowds" saga.
Clinton rallies: Back of the stage guarantee means backstage preparations completed
The director of the real Truman show has the backstage preparations completed once the recruited "crowd" is big enough to fill the back of the stage.
Chapter 1
Benghazi emails to Sanders basement dwellers: Damaging Clinton leaks: for dummies
Chapter 2
Two illuminati jokes about election 2016 crowds in one "leak" based line.
The audience mocked by the "leak" is larger than the "basement dwellers".
Chapter 3
Sanders' basement dwellers: What human cattle portraying itself as dissidents didn't get about Clinton's "joke"
Crowds targeted for genocide: Sanders' basement dwellers by Hitlery Clinton v Philippines drug addicts by Duterte
- parallelism
- differences: subliminal v direct, from how the message is passed to reference to Hitler.
### Introduction:
From ZERO leaks and Clinton FEARLESS because she has NO votes to lose to start with ... to two illuminati jokes about election 2016 crowds in ONE "leak" based LINE.
Last but not the least: that ONE line passes the SAME message as Duterte's ONE LINE directly calling for GENOCIDE, and yet NOBODY is able to get it.
### Chapter 1
Benghazi emails to Sanders basement dwellers: Damaging Clinton leaks: for dummies
All leaks are staged, all actors. Psy-op "Assange" was named to sound lie Ass-angel, siege and assanginated ("assassinated under siege by a government drone" is the theater's final act).
"State finds 30 deleted Clinton emails on Benghazi" out of a grand total "in the neighborhood of 33,000", as reported under these headlines:
"There’s no Hillary Clinton “email scandal.” There are four of them. Or maybe six. Or NONE".
The #BasementDwellers 'leak': "The Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton describing Bernie Sanders supporters as "children of the Great Recession" who are "living in their parents’ basement".
As for why illuminati have no problems with "leaks" causing Clinton to lose votes, the keyword is again NONE: she has no votes to lose to start with.
### Chapter 2
Two illuminati jokes about election 2016 crowds in one "leak" based line
The audience mocked by the "leak" is larger than the "basement dwellers". To get its full extent all you need is to prepend the leak with its scripted "reaction".
This gives: "Clinton's Campaign Probably Just Ended: Leaked Audio Bashing Sanders Supporters".
These headlines contain in fact two jokes about the human cattle:
1. those still participating in Clinton v Trump discussions.
They are mocked with the full sentence.
2. those who supported Sanders, the "basement dwellers".
They are mocked with the second part of the sentence: "Leaked Audio Bashing Sanders Supporters".
But for for these crowds it's more than only a joke: it's also a subliminal message. Why?
A comparison with Duterte's line, released the same day, reveals what Sanders' basement dwellers, alias the human cattle portraying itself as dissidents, didn't get about Clinton's "joke".
### Chapter 3
Sanders' basement dwellers: What human cattle portraying itself as dissidents didn't get about Clinton's "joke"
Crowds targeted for genocide: Hitlery Clinton (Sanders' basement dwellers) v Duterte (Philippines drug addicts)
Hitlery Clinton calling basement dwellers to Sanders' supporters is more than mocking this type of human cattle for having it participate in the "Clinton v Sanders head to head race".
It's a "manhunt for" type of message for human cattle portraying itself as "dissidents", in this case identified as the crowds that rallied behind Sanders.
Same type of message passed to another identified crowd, in this case in the Philippines, with president Duterte's line: "I'm happy to slaughter [three million] drug addicts like Hitler massacred Jews".
Both messages use the same two steps rollback technique; the first step's headlines were released the same day, Sep 30, 2016 (Duterte's 3 millon drug addicts; Clinton's basement dwellers).
- Hitlery's message to human cattle portraying itself as dissidents is subliminal; Duterte's message to "drug addicts" is not only direct but it also sets a IV Reich milestone for calls to "manhunt for" type of genocide.
- Clinton's reference to Hitler is again subliminal (she's Adolf Hitler's oldest daughter and Angela Merkel's half sister); Duterte's reference is not only direct but it also sets a milestone for the "resuscitate Hitler" agenda.
- the second step in the rollback technique: served as "spin" for Clinton; served as "joke" for Duterte.
Hacked audio of a conversation between Hillary Clinton and donors during a February fundraising event shows the Democrat nominee describing ...
Hillary Clinton Leak
Clinton's Campaign Probably Just Ended: Leaked Audio Bashing Sanders Supporters
#BasementDwellers: The actual words and spin on Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Bernie Sanders supporters
October 1, 2016
Benghazi emails and why Clinton has nothing to lose explained here:
Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Contrast the very last thing Hitler's oldest daughter, "billionaire Trump" and "socialist Sanders" would say:
Sep 30, 2016 - Philippines Duterte: milestones to resuscitate Hitler AND legalize "manhunt for" type of genocide
Duterte milestone for genocide "just for being": a 30 multiplier within 3 months (from 100,000 to 3 million, Jun 29 to Sep 30, 2016).
Crowds in "Hitler resurrected" 2016: three milestones set by Clinton, Erdogan and Duterte
Duterte and Erdogan: parallel scripts
- Erdogan/Duterte pivot to Russia, China - theater for dummies; side notes: in detail and in general.
Rollback psy-op technique
Same as a rollback in data management, this psy-op technique returns the "database" to a previous state.
In two steps: first bombastic headlines that are shortly after mitigated, from partly to entirely "denied".
"Denied" enquoted because the second step no longer makes headlines and is served as "not sincere" or a "staged denial".
For "mind control" start here:

From Dec 2015, extended with new episodes of the Clinton's "crowds" saga.
Clinton rallies: Back of the stage guarantee means backstage preparations completed
The director of the real Truman show has the backstage preparations completed once the recruited "crowd" is big enough to fill the back of the stage.
Jul 17, 2016
Homeless set on fire sleeping San Diego 2016 series: Omission tpsy-op echnqiue: Ongoing genocide:
Homeless: Ongoing genocide: psy-op "set on fire sleeping in San Diego" 2016 series
Summary of Last Prophet's words timeline
1. "Suspect arrested": the simple fact that it's "news" is eough to expose it as psy-op, or in other words to tell what the next act will be.
2. Jul 12: Psy-op's key act staged, key line omited from headlines, only in article's body and only in a few articles,.
3. Jul 16: Psy-op's key line partly in the headlines, in mitigated form
1. San Diego: arson of homeless: suspect arrested: End Times Reductionism
Yet another psy-op to legalize the genocide of homeless.
The simple fact that it's "news" is eough to expose it as psy-op, Next act will be "suspect is freed".
2. Suspect in San Diego homeless killings is freed, no charges: Omission
Some of the related "news" omit the key line of this psy-op: " Padgett's 2010 conviction for lighting a sleeping homeless man on fire in National City, a San Diego suburb."
This omission is itself a psy-op technique, which consists in serving more or less truth in plain sight according to the audience.
3. Psy-op's key line partly in headlines, 4 days later. Still the omission technique at work
This suggests that the key line was until now yet part of the story: "Man held in San Diego homeless attacks had criminal record".
These headlines still omit what the "criminal charges" were.
In other words: this acti is again base on the same psy-op technique of totally or partly omiting the key line
Try to solve this riddle without googling it
"Suspect in Series of Homeless Killings Lived in Building for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
What's the ideal script line? Hint; read "Genocide of homeles: demonize, ... psy-ops".
July 16, 2016 - Man held in San Diego homeless attacks had criminal record
July 12, 2016 - Suspect in San Diego homeless killings is freed, no charges
Anthony Padgett, 36, was arrested Thursday near a trolley stop in the suburb of Chula Vista on suspicion of murder, attempted murder and arson.
He was accused of attacking four homeless men over four days last week, including two who were set on fire. Police said at least three victims were sleeping alone.
Police said Monday that there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute.
Capt. David Nisleit defended the arrest, saying Padgett strongly resembled a man in convenience store surveillance video who police still believe is responsible for all four attacks.
Police also considered Padgett's 2010 conviction for lighting a sleeping homeless man on fire in National City, a San Diego suburb.
CONTEXT - Psy-ops targeting the homeless
From 2011, illustrated with recent examples:
Psy-ops targeting groups for genocide, precisely identified or not:
Baby boomers v homeless, dissidents and christians v muslims, blacks and other non-whites
From 2012, illustrated with recent examples:
Genocide of homeless: demonize, roundup, legalize: psy-ops.
Subliminal messages: "the sledgehammer of Hawaii lawmaker assaulted at homeless camp" goes beyond simply demonizing homeless.
BASICS - Ongoing Genocide of Homeless
Apr 8, 2015: "A Christian Science perspective: Prayer to overcome homelessness
It is a very encouraging thing that the homeless population in the United States is getting smaller, and especially that there is a new resolve to find homes for the veterans who have served in the armed forces."
For one time illuminati media presents data not as "black is white".
Reason: to mock the HORRIBLE TRUTH behind that real data.
Now for the real reason why the homeless population in the United States is getting smaller:
State organized mass murder is not restricted to hospitals and care homes.
Summary of Last Prophet's words timeline
1. "Suspect arrested": the simple fact that it's "news" is eough to expose it as psy-op, or in other words to tell what the next act will be.
2. Jul 12: Psy-op's key act staged, key line omited from headlines, only in article's body and only in a few articles,.
3. Jul 16: Psy-op's key line partly in the headlines, in mitigated form
1. San Diego: arson of homeless: suspect arrested: End Times Reductionism
Yet another psy-op to legalize the genocide of homeless.
The simple fact that it's "news" is eough to expose it as psy-op, Next act will be "suspect is freed".
2. Suspect in San Diego homeless killings is freed, no charges: Omission
Some of the related "news" omit the key line of this psy-op: " Padgett's 2010 conviction for lighting a sleeping homeless man on fire in National City, a San Diego suburb."
This omission is itself a psy-op technique, which consists in serving more or less truth in plain sight according to the audience.
3. Psy-op's key line partly in headlines, 4 days later. Still the omission technique at work
This suggests that the key line was until now yet part of the story: "Man held in San Diego homeless attacks had criminal record".
These headlines still omit what the "criminal charges" were.
In other words: this acti is again base on the same psy-op technique of totally or partly omiting the key line
Try to solve this riddle without googling it
"Suspect in Series of Homeless Killings Lived in Building for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
What's the ideal script line? Hint; read "Genocide of homeles: demonize, ... psy-ops".
July 16, 2016 - Man held in San Diego homeless attacks had criminal record
July 12, 2016 - Suspect in San Diego homeless killings is freed, no charges
Anthony Padgett, 36, was arrested Thursday near a trolley stop in the suburb of Chula Vista on suspicion of murder, attempted murder and arson.
He was accused of attacking four homeless men over four days last week, including two who were set on fire. Police said at least three victims were sleeping alone.
Police said Monday that there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute.
Capt. David Nisleit defended the arrest, saying Padgett strongly resembled a man in convenience store surveillance video who police still believe is responsible for all four attacks.
Police also considered Padgett's 2010 conviction for lighting a sleeping homeless man on fire in National City, a San Diego suburb.
CONTEXT - Psy-ops targeting the homeless
From 2011, illustrated with recent examples:
Psy-ops targeting groups for genocide, precisely identified or not:
Baby boomers v homeless, dissidents and christians v muslims, blacks and other non-whites
From 2012, illustrated with recent examples:
Genocide of homeless: demonize, roundup, legalize: psy-ops.
Subliminal messages: "the sledgehammer of Hawaii lawmaker assaulted at homeless camp" goes beyond simply demonizing homeless.
Psy-ops ALL STAGED with actors part of the agenda "legalize genocide of homeless".
Upscaling step by step:
From "Albuquerque Police Out of Control / Unconstitutional use of force" to "LAPD executes homeless prompting shock and screams from bystanders" one year later.
Upscaling step by step:
From "Albuquerque Police Out of Control / Unconstitutional use of force" to "LAPD executes homeless prompting shock and screams from bystanders" one year later.
Apr 8, 2015: "A Christian Science perspective: Prayer to overcome homelessness
It is a very encouraging thing that the homeless population in the United States is getting smaller, and especially that there is a new resolve to find homes for the veterans who have served in the armed forces."
For one time illuminati media presents data not as "black is white".
Reason: to mock the HORRIBLE TRUTH behind that real data.
Now for the real reason why the homeless population in the United States is getting smaller:
State organized mass murder is not restricted to hospitals and care homes.
Mar 21, 2016
Mexico gov what one line reveals fron US election farce to set stage for manhunt for lations
What one statement alone reveals:
From marketing the election farce and Trump as legit to setting the stage for manhunt for latinos.
How Mexico puppet gov is used to advance illuminazi agendas in the USA
"Mexico is mounting an unprecedented effort to turn its permanent residents in the U.S. into citizens, a status that would enable them to vote -- presumably against Donald Trump."
What core lies (propagated by ALL media) does this one line sell?
Three core lins propagated with ONLY one line
1. Results of US "elections" reflect counting votes.
In other words: elections in US are legit.
Reality: McCain and Romney had in fact around 5 not 55 million votes.
The script has Hitlery Clinton now "elected" (and proclaimed since 2008 because actor Obama will be stripped) although she's disliked by 98% of US citizens.
2. Trump is "anti-establishemnt"
Reality: Role of fake identity Trump, an actor playing billionaire, is to pave the way to let Hitlery Clinton FULLY legalize nazi terror as "first woman president".
Goal of the Gitmo theater in Cuba during the previous "open borders" stage": to set the stage for the ultimate inversion of illuminati scripts, the BIG BANG.
That's when waterborading and detention camps become legal everywhere in the US and EU, as cover-up for mass detentions leading to the real deal: gassing in malls already built ultimately for that purpose.
3.Mexico government is defending the rights of mexicans in the US:
Mexico puppet gov propagates "turning its permanent residents in the U.S. into citizens" for the same reason it co-produced "Drugs lord El Chapo arrested".
One of the "El Chapo" agendas, apparently a comedy: the ultimate agenda for the "open borders" tactic of BushClinton, EU, Canada & Co for the past decades.
The presence of significant ethnic minorities is the most efficient weapon to proclaim the openly nazi regime on demand, by starting the manhunt for groups defined by religion, race and ideology.
A manhunt that already started in the EU, not as originally scripted with residents and citizens and with the opposite coreography-
One of the end times paradoxes: refugees desperately trying to enter Europe only to be gassed in extermination camps since Sep 2015.
for the rest it's about to start in the US and EU, as originally scripted for 2008 with the "October surprise": Obama's staged arrest.
Mar 21, 2016 - Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost From Mexico's Efforts in U.S.
[link to]
Jan 24, 2017 - El Chapo mock script, which apparently could NOT be pushed any further, finally reaches its climax:
Mexico's minister of Economy Villareal arrived in New York for "NAFTA negotiations" just after Trump's inauguration while extradited El Chapo supposedly arrived at the same city just before the same act.
Feb 14, 2017 - Trump sanctions Venezuela vice president on drug trafficking
FULL STORY behind these headlines was exposed long ago and worldwide only by one.
El Chapo: Mexico, Venezuela: played by liberal economy minister while suggesting socialist drugs lord Maduro
Drugs lord El Chapo arrested - genocide agenda: Start here
From Duterte's journalists to Mexico's teachers: EXTRAJUDICIAL killings, from drug dealers to drug addicts: the KEYWORD before the real deal
Duterte milestone for genocide "just for being": a 30 multiplier within 3 months (from 100,000 to 3 million, Jun 29 to Sep 30, 2016).
Election farce
US eletion same as for example Brazil.
Dilma Roussef, elected with in reality less than 10% of the votes,is one of the countless actresses in the cast of "first women president", staged in parallel to Hiter's daughters Angela and Hillary (half-sisters).
All candidates are actors, playing a role, same as all major "players" in the stock "market".
Unlike ALL 30 Companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Google is not controlled by the illuminati.
Hitlery Clinton, "Jeb" Bush, billionaire Trump: Original script for 2016
Suicide bomber Trump v terminator Clinton turns into Hitlery beats Jeb in head to head race after Trump is fired from race in disgrace.
It has to be modified because it's impossible to rally anyone behind "Jeb".
In other words: to reach the absolute minimm used to suggest Cliinton's "crowds".
For the only real polls confirming what you can with your eyes see Youtube views and likes not FaCIAbook computer generated likes
From marketing the election farce and Trump as legit to setting the stage for manhunt for latinos.
How Mexico puppet gov is used to advance illuminazi agendas in the USA
"Mexico is mounting an unprecedented effort to turn its permanent residents in the U.S. into citizens, a status that would enable them to vote -- presumably against Donald Trump."
What core lies (propagated by ALL media) does this one line sell?
Three core lins propagated with ONLY one line
1. Results of US "elections" reflect counting votes.
In other words: elections in US are legit.
Reality: McCain and Romney had in fact around 5 not 55 million votes.
The script has Hitlery Clinton now "elected" (and proclaimed since 2008 because actor Obama will be stripped) although she's disliked by 98% of US citizens.
2. Trump is "anti-establishemnt"
Reality: Role of fake identity Trump, an actor playing billionaire, is to pave the way to let Hitlery Clinton FULLY legalize nazi terror as "first woman president".
Goal of the Gitmo theater in Cuba during the previous "open borders" stage": to set the stage for the ultimate inversion of illuminati scripts, the BIG BANG.
That's when waterborading and detention camps become legal everywhere in the US and EU, as cover-up for mass detentions leading to the real deal: gassing in malls already built ultimately for that purpose.
3.Mexico government is defending the rights of mexicans in the US:
Mexico puppet gov propagates "turning its permanent residents in the U.S. into citizens" for the same reason it co-produced "Drugs lord El Chapo arrested".
One of the "El Chapo" agendas, apparently a comedy: the ultimate agenda for the "open borders" tactic of BushClinton, EU, Canada & Co for the past decades.
The presence of significant ethnic minorities is the most efficient weapon to proclaim the openly nazi regime on demand, by starting the manhunt for groups defined by religion, race and ideology.
A manhunt that already started in the EU, not as originally scripted with residents and citizens and with the opposite coreography-
One of the end times paradoxes: refugees desperately trying to enter Europe only to be gassed in extermination camps since Sep 2015.
for the rest it's about to start in the US and EU, as originally scripted for 2008 with the "October surprise": Obama's staged arrest.
Mar 21, 2016 - Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost From Mexico's Efforts in U.S.
[link to]
Jan 24, 2017 - El Chapo mock script, which apparently could NOT be pushed any further, finally reaches its climax:
Mexico's minister of Economy Villareal arrived in New York for "NAFTA negotiations" just after Trump's inauguration while extradited El Chapo supposedly arrived at the same city just before the same act.
Feb 14, 2017 - Trump sanctions Venezuela vice president on drug trafficking
FULL STORY behind these headlines was exposed long ago and worldwide only by one.
El Chapo: Mexico, Venezuela: played by liberal economy minister while suggesting socialist drugs lord Maduro
Drugs lord El Chapo arrested - genocide agenda: Start here
From Duterte's journalists to Mexico's teachers: EXTRAJUDICIAL killings, from drug dealers to drug addicts: the KEYWORD before the real deal
Duterte milestone for genocide "just for being": a 30 multiplier within 3 months (from 100,000 to 3 million, Jun 29 to Sep 30, 2016).
US eletion same as for example Brazil.
Dilma Roussef, elected with in reality less than 10% of the votes,is one of the countless actresses in the cast of "first women president", staged in parallel to Hiter's daughters Angela and Hillary (half-sisters).
All candidates are actors, playing a role, same as all major "players" in the stock "market".
Unlike ALL 30 Companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Google is not controlled by the illuminati.
Hitlery Clinton, "Jeb" Bush, billionaire Trump: Original script for 2016
Suicide bomber Trump v terminator Clinton turns into Hitlery beats Jeb in head to head race after Trump is fired from race in disgrace.
It has to be modified because it's impossible to rally anyone behind "Jeb".
In other words: to reach the absolute minimm used to suggest Cliinton's "crowds".
For the only real polls confirming what you can with your eyes see Youtube views and likes not FaCIAbook computer generated likes
Trum(p)man show: Anti-establishment billionaire changes policies: abortion, Syria and wall: for dummies
Muslims will no longer allowed to enter the USA while Iran will continue to supply the ground troops for the US led coalition
No muslims (same as hispanics or any non-whites) are going to be allowed to leave America.
After reading the article below you'll know why.
Muslims will no longer allowed to enter the USA while Iran will continue to supply the ground troops for the US led coalition
No muslims (same as hispanics or any non-whites) are going to be allowed to leave America.
After reading the article below you'll know why.
champions. end times reductionism,
Hillary Clinton,
one line,
US election,
Nov 28, 2015
Dresden 1945 to Raqqa Syria 2015 bombing themselves
Illuminati apparently bombing themselves - Germany 1945 to Syria 2015: Hitler's Dresden to ISIS' Raqqa
Laws of End Times Reductionism commanding illuminati theater: From real bombs to videos repackaged as black is white and videos created with computer graphics.
Syria: Computer graphic videos:
Agendas include selling the hoaxes "NATO vs Putin" (russian jet downed) and "US led coalition and Russia vs ISIS" (bombing ISIS).
In the weeks after Sep 2015 Russian "Defense" Ministry almost completely replaced the US with "from the cockcpit video".
Videos: US, Russia and France jets destroy ISIS fuel trucks and oil facilities
Same as the blue sky video of russian jet shot down by Turkey goes down in flames behind a mountain before the crash: these fuzzy videos are created with computer graphics. Exceptions: see next section.
To what lengths the BIG LIE "US/Russia/France/assad bombing ISIS" goes:
1. The only "bombing ISIS trucks and oil facilities" videos that were NOT created with computer graphics:
- grain silos in rebel held areas marketed as ISIS refineries:
- trucks supplying oil to rebel held areas (Azaz) marketed as attacks to ISIS trucks exporting oil to Turkey.
2. Footage of bombed areas liberated by the real rebels such as Idlib used to "prove" that ISIS is bombing Raqqa, the ISIS capital.
Note: Civilians are the only targets of nazi bombings in ISIS controlled areas, same as during the phoney war RAF vs Luftwaffe in 1941.
To what lengths the mockery of having the human cattle digest the BIG LIE goes:
Airstrikes on trucks entering Syria to supply population in rebel held areas with gas are used first by Russia and later by by US TV to claim !hits on ISIS oil trucks.
In the words of the illuminati web of disinfo (role is to "expose" themselves, alias truth in plain sight to mock the audience):
In their TV report about Islamic State financing and the claimed U.S. hits on oil trucks they used the videos Russia provided without revealing the source.
You can see the Russian videos (containing cyrillic characters) played within an interview with a U.S. military spokesperson at 2:22 min
The U.S. military spokesperson speaks on camera about U.S. airforce hits against the Islamic State. The video cuts to footage taken by Russian airplanes hitting oil tanks and then trucks.
The voice-over while showing the Russian video with the Russians blowing up trucks says: “For the first time the U.S. is attacking oil delivery trucks.” The video then cuts back to the U.S. military spokesperson.
At no point is the Russian campaign mentioned or the source of the footage revealed.
What the US channel did was just outright lying, because millions of viewers would certainly think the video footage showing the explosions of oil trucks and tanks was from US airstrikes about which the New York Times ran an article on Monday.
ISIS are fake rebels used to fight and discredit the real rebels in Syria and there's none in Iraq.
ISIS mercenaries are supplied by two fake sunni governments, the treasonous illuminazi puppets of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Turkish supply of ISIS includes NATO soldiers dressed as jihadists, all part of ASSAD's nazi forces.
Islamic State ISIS - the SIX basic facts for dummies
Illuminati don't bomb their own forces (and that obviously includes what they created, in this case ISIS) unless in special circumstances (last time 1945, the US and british bombings in Germany).
Waterloo 1815 = bombing of Dresden 1945 = illuminati theater AFTER their DEFEAT 1812 and 1943.
Illuminati carry out mass human sacrifices of young blood under the cover of a fake war.
Dresden 1945 also advanced "Destruction of churches", the main agenda in "Destruction of idols of false religions" (also one of the Syria Palmyra agendas in 2015).
Assad's army (alias lebanese, iranian and iraqi shi'a shock troops and the russian mercenaries) progressing against ISIS - for dummies:
ALL theater, ISIS part of the IV Reich shock troops.
From phoney war 1941 (nazis bombing London, RAF bombing Germany) to totally fake "US, Russia, France & 60 other countries bombing ISIS in Syria":
Reduction of illumimati theater, same as
From US and UK vs nazis in World War II before Stalingrad to Syria now
From the staged war nazis vs US and UK in North Africa 1942 to totally fake war Assad vs ISIS.
The advantages of reducing theater to ZERO include avoiding unscripted developments such as the Battle of El Alamein, with nazis led by Rommel (scripted as invincible) defeated, although facing an army led by traitors.
Last Prophet's words from May 2015:
Illuminati use fake wars to "destroy idols of false religions":
From real blood in Dresden 1945 to fake blood in Palmyra, Syria 2015:
Palmyra, Syria 2015 = remake of Bamyan Buddhas, Afghanistan 2001
Hoaxes by the illuminati: From Srebrenica, a real battle and a fake massacre, to Palmyra, 20 years later a fake battle and a real genocide
Palmyra fake capture by ISIS and coming "liberation" - Agendas
Laws of End Times Reductionism commanding illuminati theater: From real bombs to videos repackaged as black is white and videos created with computer graphics.
Agendas include selling the hoaxes "NATO vs Putin" (russian jet downed) and "US led coalition and Russia vs ISIS" (bombing ISIS).
In the weeks after Sep 2015 Russian "Defense" Ministry almost completely replaced the US with "from the cockcpit video".
Videos: US, Russia and France jets destroy ISIS fuel trucks and oil facilities
Same as the blue sky video of russian jet shot down by Turkey goes down in flames behind a mountain before the crash: these fuzzy videos are created with computer graphics. Exceptions: see next section.
To what lengths the BIG LIE "US/Russia/France/assad bombing ISIS" goes:
1. The only "bombing ISIS trucks and oil facilities" videos that were NOT created with computer graphics:
- grain silos in rebel held areas marketed as ISIS refineries:
- trucks supplying oil to rebel held areas (Azaz) marketed as attacks to ISIS trucks exporting oil to Turkey.
2. Footage of bombed areas liberated by the real rebels such as Idlib used to "prove" that ISIS is bombing Raqqa, the ISIS capital.
Note: Civilians are the only targets of nazi bombings in ISIS controlled areas, same as during the phoney war RAF vs Luftwaffe in 1941.
To what lengths the mockery of having the human cattle digest the BIG LIE goes:
Airstrikes on trucks entering Syria to supply population in rebel held areas with gas are used first by Russia and later by by US TV to claim !hits on ISIS oil trucks.
In the words of the illuminati web of disinfo (role is to "expose" themselves, alias truth in plain sight to mock the audience):
In their TV report about Islamic State financing and the claimed U.S. hits on oil trucks they used the videos Russia provided without revealing the source.
You can see the Russian videos (containing cyrillic characters) played within an interview with a U.S. military spokesperson at 2:22 min
The U.S. military spokesperson speaks on camera about U.S. airforce hits against the Islamic State. The video cuts to footage taken by Russian airplanes hitting oil tanks and then trucks.
The voice-over while showing the Russian video with the Russians blowing up trucks says: “For the first time the U.S. is attacking oil delivery trucks.” The video then cuts back to the U.S. military spokesperson.
At no point is the Russian campaign mentioned or the source of the footage revealed.
What the US channel did was just outright lying, because millions of viewers would certainly think the video footage showing the explosions of oil trucks and tanks was from US airstrikes about which the New York Times ran an article on Monday.
ISIS are fake rebels used to fight and discredit the real rebels in Syria and there's none in Iraq.
ISIS mercenaries are supplied by two fake sunni governments, the treasonous illuminazi puppets of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Turkish supply of ISIS includes NATO soldiers dressed as jihadists, all part of ASSAD's nazi forces.
Islamic State ISIS - the SIX basic facts for dummies
Illuminati don't bomb their own forces (and that obviously includes what they created, in this case ISIS) unless in special circumstances (last time 1945, the US and british bombings in Germany).
Waterloo 1815 = bombing of Dresden 1945 = illuminati theater AFTER their DEFEAT 1812 and 1943.
Illuminati carry out mass human sacrifices of young blood under the cover of a fake war.
Dresden 1945 also advanced "Destruction of churches", the main agenda in "Destruction of idols of false religions" (also one of the Syria Palmyra agendas in 2015).
Assad's army (alias lebanese, iranian and iraqi shi'a shock troops and the russian mercenaries) progressing against ISIS - for dummies:
ALL theater, ISIS part of the IV Reich shock troops.
From phoney war 1941 (nazis bombing London, RAF bombing Germany) to totally fake "US, Russia, France & 60 other countries bombing ISIS in Syria":
Reduction of illumimati theater, same as
From US and UK vs nazis in World War II before Stalingrad to Syria now
From the staged war nazis vs US and UK in North Africa 1942 to totally fake war Assad vs ISIS.
The advantages of reducing theater to ZERO include avoiding unscripted developments such as the Battle of El Alamein, with nazis led by Rommel (scripted as invincible) defeated, although facing an army led by traitors.
Last Prophet's words from May 2015:
Illuminati use fake wars to "destroy idols of false religions":
From real blood in Dresden 1945 to fake blood in Palmyra, Syria 2015:
Palmyra, Syria 2015 = remake of Bamyan Buddhas, Afghanistan 2001
Hoaxes by the illuminati: From Srebrenica, a real battle and a fake massacre, to Palmyra, 20 years later a fake battle and a real genocide
Palmyra fake capture by ISIS and coming "liberation" - Agendas
computer graphics.,
End Times Reductionism,
Sep 3, 2015
Kentucky clerk Prison Seamstress Same actress
Same actress plays "Kim Davis, Kentucky clerk still Refusing to Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses" and "Prison Seamstress Joyce Mitchell, who pleaded guilty to helping two inmates escape".
Reductionism: Simulated reality:
All headlines now stated with actors, the reverse of the 1998 movie "Truman show".
Reductionism: elapsed time between roles:
Contrast the actor playing Chris Stevens, who stepped again on stage in another role a decade later, with actors now stepping on stage in other roles weeks later.
Joyce Mitchell
Kim Davis
Kentucky Clerk Still Won't Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
How fake folks are created:
Chris Stevens played by the same actor who played long time Rep. Gary Condit from the Chandra Levy hoax murder.
"Dead" US ambassador in Libya lived less than 2 years:
Part of Obama's detonation to let terninator Hiitlery Clinton finish the job:
Illuminati Actors: Chris Stevens Libya ambassador lived only 2 years
Reductionism: Simulated reality:
All headlines now stated with actors, the reverse of the 1998 movie "Truman show".
Reductionism: elapsed time between roles:
Contrast the actor playing Chris Stevens, who stepped again on stage in another role a decade later, with actors now stepping on stage in other roles weeks later.
Joyce Mitchell
Kim Davis
Kentucky Clerk Still Won't Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
How fake folks are created:
Chris Stevens played by the same actor who played long time Rep. Gary Condit from the Chandra Levy hoax murder.
"Dead" US ambassador in Libya lived less than 2 years:
Part of Obama's detonation to let terninator Hiitlery Clinton finish the job:
Illuminati Actors: Chris Stevens Libya ambassador lived only 2 years
Joyce Mitchell,
Kim Davis,
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