Mar 22, 2013

Pietro Mennea dies 34 years after becoming fastest white person EVER nd FOREVER

Fastest White ever and forver sets a second END TIME Milestone in REDUCTIONISM with his death.
The first one was his attempt to disarm illuminati from using chemical weapons.

March 21, 2013:
Death of Pietro Mennea 34 years after becoming fastest white person EVER and FOREVER
- Pietro Mennea was not the first champion to die after the illuminati assassinated athletics.
But it was the 1st time that a current European record holder dies due to his age.
And even more significant at a time when the only white in the sprint finals at the WORLD Championships is Frenchman Christophe Lemaitre:
Mennea dies almost THIRTY FOUR years after he became the fastest white person EVER and FOREVER.
"Coincidentally" one of the reasons why the Illuminati created the agenda of falsely accusing of doping the champions of natural sports was to obscure the REAL reason for the dramatic reduction of world records.
From ten a year in the seventies to one each decade now: humana reached the physical limits.

Mennea's other milestone in reductionism was set before he died
The illuminati started the assassination of athletics in Seoul Olympics, 1988, 8 years after Mennea became the 200 meters Olympic champion at Moscow.
The wepon used was to falsely accuse champions of natural sports of doping, an agenda also used to sell "drugs is good for you", starting with the hoax "drugs improve performances in natural sports".
Mennea was the only member of any parliament of the IV Reich to ask for independent doping testing, what proves that he didn't swallow this doping conspiracy.
Now, after Mennea's proposal, did ANY member of ANY parliament of the IV Reich propose ANY measure to disarm the illuminati, starting with ANY of the chemical weapons used against their targets, from sheeple to freedom fighters and natural sports?

Illuminati's wikipedia rewrites the fight to stop the crime of falsely accusing athletes as "lobbying":
Meena also lobbied for independent doping testing 

For illuminati chemical weapons to assassinate sheeple, start here:
Sulfites in Wine and Champagne illustrates one misconception about Illuminati religion

Doping conspiracy echoed by NOBODY ever since it was exposed in the web, 1999:
Doping improves performance in running and jumping" is a lie sold by the illuminati through false accusations to the champions.
Goals include:
- Marketing the chemical industry, the agenda of increased use of drugs, or in other words fulfilling the illuminati religion's "Black is White";
- Discourage youth to get into athletics, destroying the principle of "healthy mind in healthy body", required to totally brainwash youth;
- stage justice, again with the illuminati religion's "Black is White": the biggest deceivers in human history (illuminati, black) combat fraud (justice, white);
- Divert attention from the fact that humans reached the physical limits, part of various agendas, starting with "theory of evolution" (hoax created by illuminati).

Mankind now at the reductionist stage, from physical possibilities to life expectancy.
Today to die at age 60 corresponds to the actual life expectancy of the first generation to fully suffer the drastic reduction caused by the illuminati tactics of global genocide.
It began in 1950 with the chemical and nuclear industries: pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and tests from deserts to atolls.
Now it culminates in the transgenic industry, with multiple mutations that exponentiate the effect to almost instantaneous cancer.